DSMM is built with the Sustainable Development Goals in mind, as well as a method for integrating the most granular aspects of sustainable growth.

The Digital Sustainability Maturity Model (DSMM) is inspired by the metamorphosis process, in which a nymph or larva develops into an adult through a natural method. Businesses usually fail at the threshold of change, where they must let go of old ways and processes to make room for new. Those that have managed to keep growth over GDP (about one in ten enterprises) over the last few decades have also begun to feel the heat as major global concerns loom. Thinking of corporate transformation in digital terms alone is proving to be overly narrow for attaining long-term growth. Business sustainability in the modern era depends on a company’s ability to transform across the six dimensions of sustainability, namely social, ecological, economic, spatial, institutional, and cultural.

The Six Dimensions of Sustainability

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Social Sustainability

Workers, consumers, communities, and employees are all connected by a single value chain. In business terms, social sustainability entails both minimising negative consequences caused by corporate operations and having a positive impact on society and its people. One of the most crucial questions every company should think about is “Are we conducting business in ways that assist society and protect people?” Poor social policies, inequality, and a lack of social development are all factors that hurt a business’s ability to make money.

DSMM incorporates social sustainability into the corporate strategy through digital solutions. Find out how we’ve made it easier for businesses to integrate social sustainability into their core business models.

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Ecological Sustainability

A key element of the sustainable development objectives is the protection and preservation of the ecological system. The land, water, air, soil, and biodiversity are all parts of the ecology. Businesses must operate in a way that does not harm the ecosystem in order to achieve short-term success. Since most businesses have historically operated without any consideration for their damaging effects on the environment, it is expected that they will be the ones to repair the damage. There are too many entry points for a company to align itself with environmental sustainability, but picking one at random might not result in any change. A business case must be made before assessing the sustainability approach’s viability.

DSMM focuses on the fundamental idea of business economics—the avoidance of loss—and offers a simple way for companies to boost their competitiveness by coordinating with pertinent environmental objectives.

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Economic Sustainability

No company can experience long-term growth by depleting its natural and human resources. Economic sustainability refers to methods used to manage social and ecological activities while simultaneously fostering the long-term economic development of a corporation or country. Despite a generally shared understanding of the types of business practises that contribute to climate change, very few organisations actually succeed in achieving economic sustainability. The most detrimental to the economy are those that are frequently the least expensive to create and purchase. Technology may significantly aid firms in streamlining their operations and achieving economic stability.

DSMM focuses primarily on climate change targets and aids businesses in aligning with environmental objectives like lowering their carbon footprint, achieving carbon neutrality,etc.

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Spatial Sustainability

While the term “spatial sustainability” has a different connotation in an urban setting, in business it refers to a firm’s capacity to meet sustainability objectives on an equal footing. These could be deeply ingrained in the business’ operations, procedures, and value chain. The environmental impact over the course of a product or service’s life cycle, a business’s life cycle, and the lifetime value of an activity are all factors in spatial sustainability. Because digital technology allows for borderless transactions, organisations must be mindful of their global acts. The ability to be open and responsive to ecosystem stakeholders is a crucial aspect of spatial sustainability.

The purpose of DSMM is to combine the alignment of a business and its stakeholders with multiple sustainable goals in an integrated manner.

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Institutional Sustainability

Sustainability requires consistency. Similarly, sustainable goals are not accomplished in a single day or with a single activity. They rely on a course of action remaining consistent over a longer time frame. Institutions face a heightened challenge since they must work toward internal sustainability while also supporting external sustainable goals. An institution is a conglomeration of several other universal principles as well as values, beliefs, culture, strategies, policies, objectives, and purposes. Institutional sustainability calls for continuity of any or all of these courses of action over an extended period of time in an integrated and aligned manner. Institutional sustainability is an ongoing process fuelled by improvisation.

Digital Sustainability Maturity Model promotes institutional sustainability by establishing inter-linkages and alignment between diverse areas and serves as a reference to guide organisations’ long-term actions.

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Cultural Sustainability

Every nation and every region has its own unique culture. Compliance with regional legislation is a requirement, not an option, for multi-regional organisations. But merely abiding by the law is not an indication of a sustainable business. Global businesses, together with their partners, must be aware of regional challenges and align with pertinent sustainable objectives in line with local cultures. In order to develop economic riches for both the firm and the economy, it is important to match business values with sustainable goals. It involves honouring and promoting regional distinctiveness and affirmations in order to further societal goals on a larger scale.

DSMM connects shareholders and stakeholders in a way that generates social capital over time through partnerships that are strategic, transparent, and trusted.